As I mentioned in an earlier post, several people have asked why I haven't featured myself. After thinking about it, I decided it just wouldn't be right for me to hope others would take the time to answer some questions without me going through the exercise myself. Sooooooooooo, here goes:
Tell us something about
yourself. I have lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas,
Kentucky, back to Ohio, New Mexico and back to Texas where I hope to live
forever and ever. Amen. I am married (22.75 years) to The Runner. I have two
adult children – a daughter in Illinois and a son in Ohio. I love to read
murder mysteries. I volunteer a lot with the fire department but not in the
putting out fires capacity. I love to dance. I am extremely organized and know
where everything is at any given moment. I don’t especially like to talk on the
phone. I detest mushrooms – it’s a texture thing. I only have one sibling. I
am scared to death to fly. I do not like the cold. I used to be addicted to
Pepsi but haven’t had one in nearly 40 years. We go to bed early and get up
early. I was fortunate enough to tour the USS Ronald Reagan. I can talk like
Donald Duck – and sing and sneeze like him, too! I don't like to drive. I almost always have on nail
polish but often it’s chipped! I love sunshine. I was once attacked by a
goose. I was a majorette in junior and senior high school. I was in the
concert band and the clarinet was my instrument of chance, however, I never
played one. single. note. I used the same reed for six years – and I still have
it! I just barely meet the height requirement for not riding in a booster

Now that we know a little about
about you, tell us how others would describe you – in just five words. This is difficult! Hopefully, they will say that I am loyal,
trustworthy, upbeat, crafty and fun(ny).
How did you find out about
Whitworth Ranch Retreat? I entered a drawing but don’t
remember doing so. One day Stacy called me to tell me that I won a weekend for
myself and three friends. OMGoodness. Off the top of my head I didn’t even
know three friends that crafted but after digging through my brain cobwebs, I
was able to find three. Then Stacy called me back to say that the other winner
never returned her phone calls and I could bring nine friends. Now what? I
was able to scrounge up eight people – and some of them I had never met. As the
old saying goes ... I’ve never met a stranger. Once you sit in a room with
people for three days, they’re now your friends. The retreat was from January
11-13, 2013. I’ve not looked back since!!!
How many times have you been
there? Gosh – I think 13 or 15 times. Is this excessive?
Yeah, I didn’t think you’d think so. Haha.
Do you have a preference as to
which room you sleep in? Yes, I do ... I prefer the blue
and yellow room just off the kitchen in the craft building. I even have a
favorite bed!!!
Where do you prefer to get your
craft on? Large room, small room? Do you have a favorite spot/table? I’ve crafted in both, but my preference is to be in the smaller
craft room – in the corner just behind the door.
Were you in a mixed group or did
you fill the house with your own friends? I have always
been in a mixed group and wouldn’t have it any other way. You just can’t
believe how many new friends I’ve made that way.
If there is an opening for just
one person, are you open to attending a retreat with women you’ve never met?
Absolutely! They’re only strangers for the first
We all know that Stacy is an
excellent chef. Do you have a favorite meal? I’m pretty
partial to her Bolognese spaghetti – the sauce that she cooks for 18 hours. It’s good ...
paired up with green beans and broccoli. Now you’re making me
What do you do in your spare
time when you are not crafting or retreating? I love to
read who-done-it books, volunteer with the fire department, walk and blog hop.
Are you a paper crafter,
seamstress, quilter, knitter, jewelry maker or trouble-maker? Wow – that’s a loaded question. I’ll take you back a few
When I was
pregnant with my daughter I fancied myself as a seamstress. Bought myself a
sewing machine, took a class or two and made maternity dresses. Then along came
baby, the thread kept breaking on my machine and that’s when I decided this
wasn’t for me. After moving the machine from closet to closet and then from
house to house, I finally took it to a thrift store. I wouldn’t mind having a
machine now – not for fabric but for paper.
I used to
decoupage – with polyurethane, not Mod Podge. I would sand between each layer until
the image was completely embedded and there was no “step” – rubbing your hand
across the product was like feeling glass. My parents had several of my pieces
hung in their homes for years! Actually, just about everything I ever made and
sent to them ended up on their dining room table – it was like a
Everybody in the family wore one of my macrame belts and had plant hangers. I even taught sixth
graders where my children went to school how to tie knots.
Anybody ever hear of Dip ‘N Drape dolls?
That was a fun craft back in the ‘70s. All that was needed was a piece of Dip
‘N Drape. I dipped it in water and then placed it on fabric and then “draped”
it over a cone-shaped Styrofoam. A little pinch here, a little pinch there and
the outfit was created (MUCH easier than sewing!) The part I loved the most was
painting the face, which was made out of a Styrofoam ball draped in the same
material. It was so much fun watching them come to life. I made a nun, a
couple of brides and lots of boy and girl dolls. I don’t have any pictures of
the ones I made but to give you an idea, here’s something I found
I went
through a crochet phase. But I only crocheted afghans and coat hangers. I
don’t remember how to make an afghan but I still crochet coat
hangers. My shoulders aren't very big and regular wire hangers make little pokey marks in my shirts; yarn around the hangers prevents that!
I’ve not
dabbled in jewelry making – I don’t wear that much but oh, those beads call my
name!!! I do use them on cards and mini albums though!
first love is paper crafting. The possibilities are endless. I don’t consider
myself a scrapbooker per se but I use all the techniques and use all the same
products as a scrapbooker does. I’ve done so much with it over the years. I’ve
covered books, clip boards, gift bags, letters, coat hangers, candles, door
hangers, frames, recipe boxes, shadowboxes, bottles and cans and jars, journals,
birdhouses, candy bars, shoes, tags, furniture, binder clips, canvasses,
clothespins, bulletin boards, ornaments, picnic baskets and of course
Since my focus is on paper crafting and card
making, the majority of what I talk about will be about that.
And the last
thing in that question asked if I am a trouble maker. What? Who? Me?
How long have you been playing
with paper? My parents celebrated their 60th anniversary
and I had seen where people put together a scrapbook for anniversary gifts. I wanted them to
have one of those! I contacted relatives, people my parents went to high school
with, their former co-workers, former and present neighbors and asked them to
send me a card or letter for them - with a little memory of them written in the
card. Once I had everything I needed to put inside this album, I had no idea
what to do with it. After many trips to the craft store, I still had no idea
what to do. I asked complete strangers in the scrapbook aisle questions like
“what’s that for?” and “how do you do that?” and on and on. I still laugh when
I think of how I matted a picture. Instead of just putting the picture on a
piece of cardstock and calling it matted, I actually CUT A FRAME and put the
picture inside the frame. There will be no pictures of that album ... I’m too
ashamed. But, the bottom line is that my parents loved it and I think they both
looked through everything and read every card and note a gazillion
Card making
– what I am most passionate about. Over the years, I have made approximately 7,000 cards. The best part? I
never duplicate. EVER. Here are a few that still make me smile.
This card is just feathers and flowers - no image. Rarely do I create cards like this any more and I'm not sure why because I do like the way it turned out.
I used lots and lots of products as well as a photograph of my great grandmother on this card for my cousin's birthday. I later learned that she framed it!
The focal point on this particular card is the sentiment. This went to The Runner's friend that is facing some serious health issues.
I pulled an image off the computer and used on this card and added lots and lots of layers and flowers.
The making of cards started
with a simple gesture. My friend, Pat, invited me to her home for the weekend.
She was involved in the Red Hat Society and wanted me to come to a RHS luncheon
and fashion show. As a small thank you gift, I made a half a dozen cards using
bits and pieces left over from the anniversary album. She said that I “had what
it took” and encouraged me to keep on going. To this day, she’s one of my
biggest cheerleaders.
What is your signature style?
That has transpired through the years – as it should. Once
I figured out how to use all the products I was rapidly accumulating, I learned
how to do some of the techniques. I made my daughter a HUGE album for her
retirement from the Navy. Before giving it to her, I showed a friend and she
said it was “shabby chic” ... I had never heard of that expression before, but
now that I know what it means, I think she was right.
What are you working on right now? Cards. What else? Shortly I will be on a big push creating Christmas cards.
How would you describe your art for the general
public audience if they have never seen it before? I love
to distress and I love to use vintage-y items. Lace, glass beads, tags,
glitter, flowers – lots of flowers, stenciling, sequins and feathers grace the
majority of my cards.
How does your work differ from
others in your genre? Maybe my attention to detail. I
never think a card has enough on it ... rarely (if ever) do I create a plain Jane
What have you created that you
are most proud of – and why? Three things. I created a
canvas for my father with his mother and his grandparents’ picture that was
taken in 1903. I researched the family history and that went on the back of the
canvas. I did the same thing for my mother. The picture on her canvas was of
her parents on their wedding day in 1907. They cherished those pieces until the
day they died. The other was the (not-so) mini album I created for my
daughter. Not only did I have photos, but I researched and journaled all about
the duty stations she was at during her 20-year tenure with the Navy.
Do you have any crafting secrets
you would like to share? If you ever bend over to pick something up off the floor and get tangled in the cord of your plugged-in glue gun and it happens to fall off the counter and onto your head and a huge glob of glue gets in your hair, I know how to get the hardened glue out of hair. Peanut butter. Works like a charm. Don't ask me how I know ...
What do you wish you were better
at? I would love to become more proficient in multi-media art. I would also love to learn how to crochet itty-bitty flowers that aren't too thick so that I could use them on my cards and mini albums.
If Ms. Muse decides not to show
up, where do you get your inspiration? I find that a giant
dose of craft supplies shopping helps me a lot. There’s nothing like new
product in the house to get back in the groove.
How do you stay inspired? I try to keep in mind that people like what I do and I want to do
something nice for them. Does that make sense?
How does your creative process work? Let’s say I am making a card. I try to visualize what a person
likes: what is their favorite color – muted or bright, are they flower lovers,
do they like birds, do they appreciate vintage or modern or are they
“outdoors-y?” About a year ago I started using images on my cards as a focal
point. I search for the perfect image and then choose coordinating colors.
Once I “go shopping” in my way-too-large stash, I pull everything out and work
on placement. Once I am happy with that, I get glue happy.
Do you have a dedicated craft
area in your home? Yep – the whole place is dedicated in one
fashion or another as MINE. Fortunately, everything is contained!
The walk-in
closet for my clothes has all of the Christmas supplies on the top shelf. The
shoe shelves have no shoes ... just projects that I’ll “one day get to” and
there are two towers of plastic drawers with supplies.
The dining
room table is rarely used for dining. This is where my “photo studio” is
located. The lighting is great in here so why not, right? The table is also
where I store the completed cards until it’s time to put them in the
mail or deliver.
The short
hallway from the living room to the guest bedroom and guest bathroom has an
alcove where I actually create my magic. THIS is my playground! The counter is
five feet long by three feet deep. Above the counter are three shelves and
under the counter is where I have TONS of plastic containers.
This started out
as being my only area for storing supplies but I outgrew it.
I was spending a lot of time “shopping”
on the floor. I would pull things out that I thought would work on a project
and sit down and work on placement. That got old real quick!
The Runner bought me a table. It sits behind me
when I sit at the computer, which is in the office. As my sister says “this is
where you shop and the playground is where you work your magic” ... and she’s
right. Under the table are some pizza boxes with foam and specialty papers. I
also have three large plastic boxes that house all the fabric flowers I’ve
made. The store-bought flowers are in six shoe-box-size
plastic boxes. Don't judge!!!! I also have seven plastic containers where I store my coffee
filter flowers. There’s also a divided box where I keep my already-made
embroidery floss flowers. Then there’s four plastic boxes where I keep the
embroidery floss that haven’t been made into flowers yet.
Next to the table is a steamer trunk. On top of
that are three plastic milk crates where I keep my paper pads. Now what did I
tell you about judging????? Next to the trunk are two very large plastic boxes
(I love The Container Store!!!) full of fabric just waiting to be turned into
beautiful rolled flowers. At this point, I find that it’s easier to make
flowers as I need them – I’ve outgrown the boxes under the table.
Tell us all about it – what have you done to make your space cozy or
beautiful or inspiring? There’s NOTHING cozy or beautiful
or inspiring about my space. It’s purely functional. No bells. No whistles. I’m all about organization and what works best for me right here and
now. Some day I may (or may not) have a room dedicated just for crafting.
Until then ...
How do you keep your area organized? I think my
parents missed the mark and gave me the wrong middle name ... it should be
ORGANIZED because I am. To a fault, perhaps. Plastic containers are
wonderful. What’s important is to make sure you have the size that best fits
the need. It’s crazy when everything is just jammed into a container and you
have to dig for what you need – and everything ends up falling out. A digger I am not! I’ve
started out with one size container and moved up and up and up. The containers
don’t go to waste because there’s always a new product ready to take its
The majority of my crafting is card making. I do create mini albums,
too. Once I finish with a card or even just one page to the album, EVERYTHING
goes back to where it belongs. Every. Single. Time. It’s non-productive to
have to search for those scissors or that spool of ribbon. When I stop for the
day, I clean up everything as well. If I don’t – and yes, there ARE some times
where I don’t clean up after myself – then I don’t feel like getting back at
it. I think that’s the ticket to organization ... put stuff away. A place for
everything and everything in its place. My mantra.
Over the years, I've created many mini albums. It was too difficult to choose just one cover; here are three of my favorites.
How many hours a week do you spend in
your happy place? Gosh – I’ve never timed it, but I will
say that I “work” almost all day, almost every day. I might not actually be
gluing and making cards though. Some times I’m shopping, organizing or just
making flowers. I also spend a lot (!! too much !!) of time on the
What would the walls in your craft space say? About you? About your
work? Hmmmmmmmm ... that’s another loaded question. I would hope
the walls would say that I am dedicated to what I do. About my work?
Meticulous with a great sense of attention to detail, I
If you could add just one tool to your craft arsenal, what would you
add? Gosh – don’t I already have everything? Maybe a new die cutting machine. When my 10-year old Cuttlebug fails to serve
me. I've got my sights on the new Big Shot ... we'll see.
What is your favorite “must have” item for crafting – something that you
just cannot be separated from? FLOWERS.
What is the most useless item that you have purchased to craft? I don’t even know what you call it, but I had to have it ... are
you judging me again? It’s something like a ruler but it bends. I’ve not used
it one time but I still have it. Haha. There’s hope,
right? If anybody reading this know what this tool is - or more importantly, how to use it, please let me know.
Do you keep any of your own creations on display? If
you mean in my “craft room” which I don’t have, then the answer is “no” ... but
I have made some items for our home that are hung on walls or sitting on
shelves. A couple of years ago I made these three canvasses that hang in our
dining room. Pretty simple and works perfectly on a bare wall. So far, I’ve
not tired of them. The hat boxes on the table are more of my creations.
What are your tricks for organizing your supplies? Keep like items together if at all possible. I have all of my
brads and eyelets in little divided containers I bought at Hobby Lobby. I keep
them organized by color. Also, I keep all of my ribbons in 12 empty plastic
cookie containers from Sam’s. Hey – I needed the containers but the cookies
were pretty good, too. These, too, are organized by color. They are sitting on
a shelf on a bookshelf in the office. I have almost as many of those containers
behind doors in the same bookshelf. Those house my larger flowers. Again,
organization has got to start with being tidy. There’s no sense in having a
container for everything if your “everything” isn’t in the
Finish this sentence: When I am
in my creative space, I am focused.
I am going to grant you three wishes to make your area into your dream
space. What are your three wishes? Not gonna lie here ...
I want a dedicated room. With proper lighting. And cute storage
containers. And bells. And whistles.
What are your favorite products to create
with at this moment? Tags, seed beads, flowers, stencils,
molding paste and glitter.
How long does it typically take
you to finish a project? Start to finish, the majority of
my cards take between two and three hours.
Are you a neat or a messy
crafter? When I am actually working on something, I’m somewhat messy
but once I’m finished, I put everything away and leave no
It’s time to go shopping. Does
most of your money go to Hobby Lobby, Joann’s, Michael’s, conventions or a local
scrapbook store? Or are you an on-line shopper? Oh I
spread it around! Trust me on this one. Joann’s probably gets the least of my money and I’m not sure
if it’s because of location or their inventory. One thing that I don’t like is
that their prices aren’t clearly marked. Hobby Lobby is walking distance (if
you’re energetic!) so I shop there often but I prefer Michael’s because they’ll
honor competitor’s coupons and they offer 50 percent off coupons frequently. (Rarely do I purchase anything unless I have a coupon!!) I go to at least three conventions a year and always bring home lots and lots of goodies. There aren’t any large local
scrapbook stores that are nearby – as in five miles. I was so sad when The
Scrapbook Pad and Recollections closed as they were my “go-to” happy place and
got the majority of my money. Rarely, if ever, do I shop on-line. I like to
use coupons and not pay shipping charges.
Are you an impulse craft
supplies shopper? If it’s flowers, ummmm, yes. I can’t get
enough of them. Other than that, I have to say that I am typically not an
impulse shopper.
Do you have any personal goals
you have not yet attained? If so, what are you doing to fulfill these goals?
Personal goals? Well, like every woman in the world, I
guess lose weight. I’ve not had a piece of chocolate since August 31, 2014 ...
and yes, that’s helped. My sister gave me a Fitbit and I've been walking every morning - even in the Texas heat - and that's helped, too.
Tell me that one thing that you
have not yet done that you really want to do. I want to
meet Vicki Boster. She’s my friend in Kentucky ... you know – “the nest lady.”
I would love to meet her!
If you were given $1000 to spend
on craft supplies/tools what would you purchase? You know
how difficult it is to shop for someone that has everything? Well, that’s me.
There’s nothing that I am just dying to have. And, if you’ve shopped for
supplies/tools, you know that a grand doesn’t go real far. Since the money is
going to be given to me, I’d spring for a Vagabond (to sit next to my new Big Shot.) I’m getting low on some of
my hard molding paste by Golden so that’ll go on my list. I would love to get
my hands on some 7 Dots papers and supplies – wish they sold them here in the
states! There are a few Cherry Lynn Design dies that I’d like. Oh yeah, if
there’s any money left over – FLOWERS. Realistically, I know that money isn’t
going to fall into my lap so if you’re looking for some gift ideas, here they
are! Haha.
Do you spend hours and hours
looking at blogs? Do you have a blog? Oh my goodness yes
... I love reading blogs!!!!! I spend way too much time gazing at them but I’ve
learned so much and have ‘met’ so many wonderful people so I can justify that time. This is my blog – one
I started so that I could help create awareness for Whitworth Ranch Retreat and
talk about retreating. I also have a personal blog that I would love for you to
What is the best piece of advice that anyone has
ever given you regarding your crafting. There’s no such
thing as a mistake. If something didn’t turn out the way you expected, it’s
just an opportunity to work around it – or cover it with a flower!!! Worse case
scenario? Throw it away and start all over. It’s ONLY
paper! I've messed up a few projects and have always been pleasantly surprised at the "fix." Also, remember that there are no rules in crafting - just go with the flow.
Do you have any inspirational words to share?
Do what makes you happy. If you’re happy just buying
product and hoarding it, then do it. If it makes you happy to put photos in a
scrapbook and journal all around them, then do it. If it makes you happy to
make stuff for other people, then do it. Just do what makes YOU happy. When
it’s not fun any more, then don’t do it.
I know. I know. What happens
at the retreat stays at the retreat. Let’s break a few rules. Tell me
something interesting that was said or happened on one of your retreats. Oh no – I’ve been there too many times and have seen a lot of
stuff. My lips are sealed. No dirt coming from me.